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Method of handling non fumigation trays

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2023/5/12 10:12:39 Hits:823
1. The raw material of the non fumigation tray is composite board or plywood, which is formed by disinfecting various wooden residues through high temperature and pressure.
2.There are currently two main treatment methods: heat treatment and fumigation with bromomethane. For heat treatment, the center temperature of the wood packaging should reach 56OC and be maintained for at least 30 minutes. For fumigation, the wood packaging must be fumigated in a closed place at the specified dosage of methyl bromide for at least 16 hours, and then placed in a ventilated area to reduce the concentration of the fumigant to below a safe concentration. After any of the above treatments, a clear and marked mark should be placed on the visible position of each item in the wooden packaging, on both sides of each item. This mark needs to be recognized by the International Plant Protection Convention to prove that the wooden packaging has undergone the required treatment. A label must include the IPPC specific logo, ISO standard code, a number issued by the country's plant protection agency to the manufacturer of wooden packaging, and an abbreviation representing the processing method. Non fumigation tray products generally meet the entry requirements of countries around the world, and can be directly cleared through customs in the importing country without any procedures.

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Address:Industrial Park in Sangxu Town, Shuyang, Jiangsu

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Telephone:0527-83250088 83252888

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Contacts:Liu Tao

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